Youth Focus Foundation

"Equiping The Youth - For A Better Future"  

O U R  P A R T N E R S

At YFF, we value the power of communities. We know that by working together and building capacity, we can achieve the greatest goals and ultimately make contributions that benefit young people in Africa and beyond.

YFF's ethos is deeply rooted in a complete partnership with the communities in which we work. We are committed to developing a technology passion in youth and part of that commitment means taking an active role in our communities and helping to reduce the digital canyon by ensuring that as many people as possible benefit from our work - that underserved youth in grassroots communities have access to the tools they need to help them help themselves.

In the process of expanding our network and extending our commitment to rural community technology, YFF partners with like-minded and progressive organizations. In partnership with these organizations, YFF can successfully reach literally thousands of communities and millions of youth.

YFF is proud to have developed partnerships and membership affiliations with the following organizations: